At slightly above 13000 km this minor maintenance needs to be done. Its more of a preventive maintenance than anything else, these bike can go without much maintenance with no problem. On my previous scooter I did only do an oil change after 1 year and its still no problem. However this particular scooter the SYM VTS 200 I regularly travel far and alone, so it needs some extra care to avoid unnecessary inconveniences to myself or other rider. So I decide today to replace the belt, check the clutch, variator and air filter. Coolant also need to be top up, plain distilled water will do since exfactory, the coolant concentration is beyond what's needed in my locality. Removes the belt housing cover and clean interior with a brush and a vacuum cleaner to see whether any leakage in the main oil seal and the rear drive seal. Gutted out that's all in a scooter drive. Variator, those Dr Puller need close visual inspection, cleaned and lightly repack with high temp grease on the bushing...