SYM VTS 200 Fork Lowering

This is how the fork can be lowered on the SYM VTS 200.
Tooling : 14mm Socket Wrench.
Pre Condition : Front Fairing Removed.

Below photo shows a 250i that already has its fork lowered. Have a look carefully at the fork upper end, there is a grove exposed, this grove on the fork is for those screws. There are 2 grove on each fork upper end act as fork stopper and also they need to be align with the screw in order for the screws to make a clear matting with the thread on the fork clamp.
Having the fork protruding upward, will make one of the grove expose and only the top screw engaged with the grove that was meant for the lower screw. This bring to question, what about the bottom screw, will it not be difficult to insert due to there is no grove left for it to make clearance.

In my opinion it will be difficult to put in this lower screw, it will need some force to get it inserted. What will it do over a long period of time, any interference fit will cause material to weaken. It may not be sufficient to cause problem but its an issue that need some considering and understanding.
